
Welcome to Heartsprings, where I share what springs forth from my heart for God and His people. I pray that what you find here blesses you and draws you nearer to your Heavenly Father who loves you like no other.

In His love,
Brenda :-)

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Practical Application of The Psalms - Psalm 1

The Psalms are some of my favorite parts of Scripture.  Being a bit of a poet myself, that makes sense.  They're poetry in the Bible.  I've decided to do a bit of a study on them, nothing real deep, and see what practical application for my life I can glean from them.  I think this blog would be a good place to keep them, and share them with anyone who's interested.  So, here we go.


Theme:  The way of the righteous vs. the way of the wicked.

Attributes of God in this Psalm:
  • He has laws and the blessed man delights in them.
  • He has a hand in the way of the righteous.  More than that, He directs the way of the righteous.
Practical Application:
- Meditate on and delight in The Word of God.
- Give it all over to God and His direction.  Yield to God and His plan.

Stop the manipulation.
Give the "control freak" a rest.
Turn it all over to God.
His ways are best.
                                       -Brenda Lenz