
Welcome to Heartsprings, where I share what springs forth from my heart for God and His people. I pray that what you find here blesses you and draws you nearer to your Heavenly Father who loves you like no other.

In His love,
Brenda :-)

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Wrapped Up In God

Psalm 42:8 NLT

El-hayya is the name of God that refers to Him being the God of my life. It means that what I am all about is Him. He is the center of my life and He is in every aspect of my life. But, is He? That's the question I'm asking myself this morning. Sadly, and in all honesty, I think I have to answer "no".

I think my life is all about me, really. I feel as though I seek my own agenda much more than I do God's. I am much more wrapped up in seeking my own desires and my own comfort than I am wrapped up in God. I WANT to be wrapped up in Him. I WANT to know Him as my all-in-all, but I'm not sure I know how. What does that look like in practical terms? Do I spend every minute of every day with a prayer on my lips? Do I walk around talking to Him as if I had an invisible friend (which in actuality I do)? How do you not get so caught up in day to day things that you go most of the day not even thinking about your Heavenly Father?

I did this exercise once, where I asked God in the morning what He wanted me to do that day. I sat quietly with pen and paper and wrote down what I believed He was telling me and that was my to-do list for the day. Maybe I should make that a habit. Maybe some of you are thinking, "duh!". Sometimes the obvious is not so obvious to me. Not sure why, but that's how it is. :-) I'm sure there are other things I can do to make God more a part and priority in my daily life. I'll bet I could just ask Him to show me how! Another "duh!". Hahaha!

Heavenly Father, I want so much to be more wrapped up in You than myself. Please show me how to make You more a part of my day-to-day life. Show me the practical way to a closer relationship with You, because I'm a practical person (most of the time). You know me Father, and You know what I need. Guide and direct me, Lord. Wrap me up in You! In the all-consuming name of Jesus, I ask it. Amen!

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